Category Archives: cornell


image11This past weekend Mike and I headed to NYC to hang with some of our favorite college peeps, and as always, it was a whirlwind weekend of food, friends, and FUN! We spent all day Saturday boppin’ around the city looking for the most delicious eats with my bestie Alix - we went to Doughnut Plant (finally!), Balthazar Bakery (felt JUST like Paris), Rice to Riches (graham cracker rice pudding FTW), and Momofuku Milk Bar (All. Everything.) Fooooood comaaaaa.

On Saturday night we went to a friend’s engagement party then to a Cornell young alumni event at the Bowery Hotel, which meant getting all fancy and catching up with so many people we hadn’t seen since college! On Sunday, we hit up Artichoke for the YUMMIEST pizza - they make a pizza with spinach and artichoke dip baked on top. It is ev-a-ree-thang and more. We took a nice long walk back (and obvi stopped for bagels) to Alix’s apartment before heading to our bus back to Boston. I love wandering around the city and just taking it all in; it’s my favorite way to explore!

More NYC visits, friends! MORE!









Homecoming at Cornell {otherwise known as “The Weekend We Pretended to be in College Again”}

This past weekend Mike and I headed to upstate NY to relive the good old college glory days at Cornell’s homecoming. We packed as much nostalgia into 48 hours as possible and I’m STILL recovering. As much as I hate to admit it, we’re definitely not in college anymore…

Here are some snapshots from our weekend of fun!

Football game with my sister, carrying on the legacy!

Let’s go Red!

We went to the Avicii concert. I felt like I was 21 again.

But not. At all.

Before heading back to Boston, we managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the farm in Mike’s home town to get some pumpkins!

*Sparkly* shoes for a *sparkly* weekend. Uhhhh huh.

It’s fall! It’s fall! It’s really really fall! #favoriteseasonhappiness

Um, can I be an undergrad again?

Life These Days {Part 2}

{Sunset over the slope at Cornell}

Here are a few more photos from our upstate NY adventures. Please excuse the 100 animal photos…it’s Wildlife Wednesday???

{Toad friend we found outside my grandparents cabin in the Adirondacks. Photo credit to Mike!}

{Hummingbird at the feeder. Kudos to Mike (again! Wildlife photographer extraordinaire!) for this shot}

{Grandparents’ cabin, but we call it “camp”. I think this an upstate NY/Maine thing? Either way, most relaxing place in.the.WORLD.}

{Archway at Cornell}

{Inside the Cornell war memorial. Mhmm I love my old school yes I do!}

{Big sister/little sister Cornellians. Go Emily GO!}

{Clock tower}

{Last Cornell one. Swear.}

{The definition of upstate NY. Please note the two cows in the back are MOOOOOing at me.}

{Mike and I at the sailing club on Otsego Lake}

{Twilight on Otsego Lake, Cooperstown}

{I apologize that this is blurry and out-of-focus but UM…this is the night sky at home. Look at all those STARS!!}

It’s official: I’m never coming back to Boston. It’s too pretty here.

(Except that I am. Seeya Saturday!)

Sailboats in the Spring

This past weekend Mike and I took a walk down to the Charles River to check out Cornell sailors in the Boston Dinghy Cup. Mike was on the sailing team when we went to Cornell so you BETTER believe he was pumped up to watch his former teammates compete. There was lots of talk of jibbing (jabbing? gybing?) and windshifts and tacking, but mostly I just paid attention to GORGEOUS (early blooming!) flowers and cheered on my alma mater!


Cornell Pride!

This video has been circulating for the past couple days, and though I’m sure most of my Cornell readers have already seen it, I still feel like I need to post because it is just.that.good. And I bet my mom hasn’t seen this yet.

I miss college. GO BIG RED!!!


Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to New York we go!

Bright eyed and bushy-tailed.

This is roughly photo #44 out of 85 attempts. The sun was NOT working in our favor.

Armed with a bag full of peanut butter cookies for our wonderful hostess :)

I can’t wait to see….

…my little sister!!

…some of my favorite 121ers,

and the Cornell cheerleaders in tonight’s parade down Fifth Avenue!

Unfortunately I think it’s too soon for this beauty…

Maybe next time.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Emma and Topher’s wedding!

HI!! I’m finally back! It has been a whirlwind past couple of weeks, and I appreciate you all bearing with me for my extended missingness. This past weekend I was back at Cornell for Emma and Topher’s wedding, and I am SO excited to share pictures with you! The wedding was absolutely beautiful, perfectly put together, and an all-around awesome time back in Ithaca with some awesome people! From the hockey game at Lynah rink the night before, to a photo shoot in front of the clock tower, to the gorgeous reception site, here are some pictures from the wedding extravaganza:

*Thanks to the various 121ers I stole most of these photos from :)


Cornell University, you have my heart.

Today I took a ride up to Ithaca with Emily, and we spent the afternoon on campus. It made me love and miss Cornell even more than I already do! This marks 1+ years post-grad and I stand by my belief that college is the best years of your life.

Ithaca is gorges (yeah I said it) in the summertime, and campus was surprisingly busy. It was not the same being on campus without the Class of 2009, but it was nice to relive some of my favorite Cornell things for the afternoon!

First things first - I picked up a Statler salad. How do I even begin to describe the Statler salad? I think it’s something you have to experience to understand. It’s good enough to spend 20 minutes waiting in a 50+ person line - every day. You heard me right; senior year I had a Statler salad for lunch day in and day out. There’s just something so great about picking ingredients for your own salad, unlimited toppings, and delicious dressings. There’s also something so great about wasting away the afternoon enjoying your salad with 8 of your closest friends. That, in a nutshell, is the greatness that is the Statty salad. Feast your eyes on today’s creation:

Oh, and a side of sweet potato fries :)
Then we wandered around campus snapping pics with Emily’s amazing camera…
I didn’t even try to resist getting this AMAZING cover for my iPod.
Here is Sage Chapel, where Emma and Topher are getting married in August! Cannot WAIT for the wedding!
Finally, we stopped for some Dairy Bar ice cream.
We got Nutty Buddy Franklin: peanut butter ice cream with fudge swirls and peanut butter cups.
This is the “one scoop” size. Puh-leez.
I only got this far in. You know I am not one to throw away ice cream (“there’s always room!”) but it really was that big. But oooh so delicious.
See you in August, beautiful Cornell!

Happy Birthday, Crotty!

Despite the robbery scandal, I headed to NYC this past Saturday to celebrate Miss Crotty’s birthday and catch up with some Cornell friends!

There were cupcakes, courtesy of Francesca…
Barefoot Contessa Coconut Cupcakes with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting - yum!
…Mini macs (unfortunately sans photo) a la Katie Post. Sooooooo yum yum yummy. Recipe here.
And lots of birthday fun!
Everyone in black, so New Yorker!
Happy Birthday, Katherine!

Let’s go RED!

Friday night I went to the Cornell/Harvard hockey game with a whole bunch of Cornellians. I also popped in to the Cornell/Harvard basketball game to see the cheerleaders! It was so fun to catch up with so many people I haven’t seen in months (some since graduation!) and was even better because we won BOTH games!!

Afterward we went to John Harvard’s in Harvard Square and celebrated the wins by taking over the bar with a sea of red and white. There were definitely bar-wide chants of “Let’s go red!” Such a fun Cornell night!