Boston in the Golden Hour

boston collage

There’s a magical hour right before sunset where the world looks extra perfect & beautiful and you have to take 100,000 photos of everything because it might never look that beautiful ever again. After last week’s Cambridge eating tour (400 miles + 400,000 calories)*, Mike and I walked across the Salt ‘n Peppa bridge, down Charles street, and into the Boston Common. We stopped for some hot chocolate to warm up, then ventured out to walk on the frozen swan pond (is that what we call it? Swan Boat Pond? Public Garden Lake? Body of water inside the Public Garden where the swans live?? Do you know what I mean???), feeling like a couple of BAMFs. Then we headed back down Commonwealth Ave to catch the T just as the twinkly tree lights were turning on. MAGIC, I tell ya.

*Only exaggerating by a factor of 100.






{selfie fail}










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11 thoughts on “Boston in the Golden Hour

  1. Lynn Zaremba

    I really enjoy following your blog, I especially like your enthusiastic words about food and Boston. My next door neighbor, from Riverwoods, Il., is at Harvard now getting her masters degree in architecture. The photos you take around Boston are wonderful. She takes fabulous ones too. I feel like you both could become friends,you are both adorable. If you don’t mind I’d like to forward this blog. If you here from her or would like to contact her her name is Stacy Morton.

  2. Dad

    I believe the swan pond is called “Swan Lake” and was the inspiration for the Tchaikovsky ballet of the same name. Or not…. ;-)

  3. Clair

    My FAVORITE is the one of the skyline through the grate. Ohmygoodness, so wonderful. Beautiful shots…like you always get. Especially appreciated the Starbucks label.

  4. beckigervin

    Are those duck statues in honor of the book “Make Way for Ducklings”? A Bostonian gave my daughter that book for her birthday and I read it to her all the time! Didn’t realize it was so major! (read: i’m from california. have never been to boston. shame on me.).

    1. The Sweet Life Post author

      Yes, they are! Someone usually dresses them up for the seasons, red bows at Christmas, bonnets at Easter - totally adorable. California (specifically San Francisco) is currently number 1 on my “travel-to” list! I’m down for a house swap whenever you are :)

      1. beckigervin

        That is so cute!

        House swap? Sure thing! I live about an hour south of SF :) My husband isn’t much for travel but has commented how he has always wanted to visit Boston!

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