How I’m Preparing for the Hurricane

Mike sent me to the store to shop for hurricane supplies and canned goods because “it could be days” (I can only assume he means before we are rescued). Needless to say I’m taking this all very seriously. Here are some of the necessities I came home with..

Fully cooked bacon, so I can still maintain my daily protein intake in the event of a power outage.

Dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt, because I can think of no better combination to be eating when disaster strikes.

Smoked sea salt, to season all those canned goods I didn’t buy.

Beer, because Trader Joe’s was out of water.

I also have 13 bagels, 5 apples, 1 mango green tea, 3 seltzers, and 1 yellow bell pepper.

BRING IT, Irene.

One thought on “How I’m Preparing for the Hurricane

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