Category Archives: cornell


Fina moved in today!!! Though I was sad to see Louise (my fellow 121er in Boston) go, I was (and am) super excited to live with Fina again…we have quite the history:

It all started freshmen year, in our (not so) beloved Balch Hall..
Sophomore year we lived in good old Campus Hill and apparently spent so much time with each other we started to dress alike…
Junior year we lived far, far away from each other (roughly .25 miles)
Senior year we lived even farther away from each other (~.3 miles)
And now we are finally reunited in Boston!!


Far above Cayuga’s waters…

After a night of reminiscing about highschool, I had a day of reminiscing about college…well, sort of. I went to Ithaca for lunch with my mom, sister, and brother and was sad to see how completely deserted it was!! Cornell and Collegetown were total ghost towns (though I’m sure the -18 degree windchill didn’t help) and CTB wasn’t even open! Fortunately, Ithaca Bakery was and I was able to fulfill my desire for a breadbowl there…yum! I would say it was good to be back in Ithaca but honestly it made me a little sad, and definitely made me miss Cornell a lot.

I was surprised to see that Ithaca now has an Urban Outfitters…who knew?? I got an adorable new wallet :)

Here are some things I miss about Cornell!…

121 and Professor Blueberry
Doing silly and ridiculous things, for no reason (ahem, rephrase: …lack of responsibility)
Our beautiful campus!!