Memorial Day in Maine

image_28Hi friends! How was your Memorial Day weekend??

Mike and I took the train to Maine on Saturday to meet our friends Liz and Dave in Portland. We hit up Shipyard and Duckfat (obv), then headed to camp for some good old fashioned relaxation. We sat around the fire, made peanut butter cup s’mores, visited Freeport to hit up the JCrew outlet 50% sale (!!), stumbled upon a field of frolicking baby cows (truly!), accidentally-on-purpose wore red, white and blue pants to showcase our Memorial Day spirit, and had a cookout on Monday just as the sun finally peeked out. Another awesome Maine weekend!

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4 thoughts on “Memorial Day in Maine

  1. Clair

    My favorite is the bakery pic!

    Also was thinking you would love to hear about the time I went to visit some dairy farmers we know in Germany and had a calf suckle on my finger…best feeling in the world. I went back a second time and saw one being born!


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