Blizzard Bonanza


NEMO!!! Love ya to pieces.

Disclaimer: I don’t have a car or house to shovel out and wasn’t affected by power outages or transportation delays (perks of being on a school snow day schedule) so to me blizzard = play time. Major playtime.

Mike and I headed out Friday night in the height of the blizzard to hang with my old roomies (perks of having besties two blocks away) and almost became insta-snowpeople. Observe:

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On Saturday we (I) made Nemo pancakes because HOW COULDN’T I, then we bundled up and hopped into our cross-country skis to ski around the ‘hood. Cross-country skiing is HARD, yo. I was sweating like a wildebeest and almost-crying but eventually channeled my inner snow bunny and got the hang of it. We dropped our skis off at home and hippity-hopped around town, took 1,000 photos, and came home to eat Kraft mac and cheese and drink hot cocoa. It was wonderful :)



I asked Mike if he had any spare gloves I could wear. This is what he presented me with…











PicMonkey Collage







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19 thoughts on “Blizzard Bonanza

  1. Emily

    1. i have the same anthro mug (but with an e)
    2. you guys are SO CUTE AND FUN
    3. see you in t minus 4 days!!!!!!!! (i hope all the snows gone by then)

  2. Clair

    I’m so excited for all the blizzard recap posts!!! Enjoyed all your instagramming, and it looks like you guys had an ideal day. Thinking of you lots lately for some reason…I don’t think you’ll be at the Boston bloggers event (?), so we’ll have to do something else!

    1. The Sweet Life Post author

      YES! Let’s get together soooon. I’ve been so bad about keeping up with Boston blogger stuff - didn’t even know there was an event! Next time ;)

      I pass through your hood every day on my way to my new student teaching school, so there’s really no excuse! Let’s email.

  3. Mom

    1. I had the same anthro mug but i broke it last week :(
    2. That hat is ridiculous, as is Mike’s glove collection.
    3. I hope the snow is gone by Friday so Peter has somewhere to park.

  4. colleen

    what?! how can one person have so many gloves!!! love all these pictures - i love the snow we got in nyc but the snow you guys got is serious stuff. so cool it came up to the parking meters!

    1. The Sweet Life Post author

      SERIOUSLY. Thank you.

      The best part is last week I was telling Mike that we should do an apartment clean-out because it was starting to feel a little crowded and he was all, “Oh…well MY stuff is clean and organized. I don’t have anything extra to throw out.” EXCEPT YOUR FIFTEEN PAIRS OF GLOVES. #exposed

  5. Mackenzie

    baaahaha this is such a trip. i feel so creepy knowing EXACTLY where you are. my roommate and i saw a husky wearing a pack as his owner skiied behind him on his way to the harvard st. cvs and my floridian soul almost keeled over. i want more blizzards, please.

  6. Pingback: stubborn love. « {dear friend}

  7. soanthro

    Your snowy photos are PERFECT. They would seriously look beautiful framed in so many New England homes! And I swear if that’s Coolidge Corner I must have passed you at some point Friday night because we were walking + playing a bunch around there too!

  8. Amanda

    Living in Cambridge during snow storms was always my favorite! Like you, no car or sidewalks to dig out… straight up play time. And, now, I’m learning how being snowed in in Portsmouth is a lottt different!

  9. Pingback: How to Beat the Heat: A Photo Essay | The Sweet Life

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