Cosmetic Bags by emme purses

When I was home a few weekends ago, I discovered that my mom had transformed my childhood bedroom into her sewing room. Bye bye, N*Sync posters! See ya later, high school prom photo collages. Good riddance, closet full of clothes that haven’t fit me since I was 14.

I started to shed a tear BUT THEN… I opened my dresser to find a drawer full of these teensy adorable cosmetic bags. And I said MOM, I WANT FIVE HUNDRED OF THESE! AND SO DO MY FRIENDS! And she said, STOP YELLING!

And all was well.

What I’m trying to say is: my mom is a super talented sewer (sewer? seamstress? one-who-sews?) and has an adorable etsy shop full of hand made purses, clutches, and totes. She recently listed the cosmetic bags because I convinced her that everyone in all the land would want to buy them for their friends for Christmas.

So go check her out! And support Small Business Saturday while you’re at it! ;)

Note from my mom: Just to make “The Sweet Life” readers’ holiday shopping a little sweeter, I am offering free shipping! Please use coupon code “DEC2012″ at checkout. You’ll be helping Superstorm Sandy victims as well – I’m donating 10% of my sales to the American Red Cross. AND, don’t forget: if you don’t see a fabric or style that suits you, I do custom orders as well! Thank you and happy shopping!

Note from me: If someone doesn’t buy that seersucker clutch soon, I *promise* you I will.

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6 thoughts on “Cosmetic Bags by emme purses

  1. Mom

    Just to make “The Sweet Life” readers’ holiday shopping a little sweeter, I am offering free shipping! Please use coupon code “DEC2012″ at checkout. You’ll be helping Superstorm Sandy victims as well - I’m donating 10% of my sales to the American Red Cross. Thank you and happy shopping!


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