Maine: The Way Life Should Be

If you were following my tweets or Instagrams this past weekend, you’ll know that I was living it UP in Maine with Mike and our pals Liz and Dave. We managed to pack as many Maine things as possible into one weekend, including, but not limited to: a boat ride on the lake, a bonfire, Shipyard Brewery, blueberry pancakes, lobstah dinnah, LL Bean, Portland Headlight, fried seafood, and not one, not two, but THREE moose sightings. And a cougar. Believe it or NOT.

But before I show you my snaps from Maine I MUST share the moose sighting story because it pretty much made my weekend/trip/world and I’m going to remember it for-e-ver.

Last year when we went to Maine, we all agreed that the only thing we wanted to do, see, or think about was a moose in the wild. Mike had an elaborate picture in his head of waking up at dawn and peeking out his window to see a moose drinking from the lake with water dripping from its beard, à la this. Surprisingly enough, we had no such luck. So this year we made it our goal to find a moose. We ended up going to a wildlife park to see this guy and peed our pants from excitement (or at least I did):

Though we were SA-OOPER pumped to see a Maine moose, we were sad that it was behind a fence. Still had not fulfilled our dream of seeing a moose in the wild.

Fast forward to Sunday night, when we’re driving on a major highway headed back to Boston. Out of nowhere someone starts screaming MOOOOOOSE!

And what to my wondering eyes should appear?

A MOOSE! Barreling out of the woods at top speed. She stopped right before crossing the highway and turned back around to run into the woods. I like to think she just popped out to say hi and make all of us the happiest little moose hunters in all the land. Maine Moose Mission: complete.

Now onto the pictures.

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14 thoughts on “Maine: The Way Life Should Be

  1. Clair

    OMIGOSHILOVETHISPOST. This looks like SO much fun. Your photos are incredible, and I especially love that super cute one of you and Mike. Seriously, my heart is vomiting over here.


  2. Barbri

    NOT ENOUGH LOBSTER PHOTOS… I hear you ate lobsters every day. Also, twitter said you went to DUCKFAT? How was it?

  3. colleen

    holy shit! that is a cougar (pardon my french, but damn!) i ran into a moose when i was in wyoming. my friend, who lives there, and i just froze. we all just stared at each other. and then she told me to back away slowly because you never know with a moose. but yeah, it’s cool. love your pictures - especially of the sunset (and the cougar, clearly).

  4. Friend Mouse

    Looks like you went to the Lobster Shack at Two Lights … the only thing better than their lobster roll is the view. (I grew up in midcoast Maine and then lived in Boston/Portland for my adult life before moving out west three years ago, so I know whereof I speak. Glad you had a good Maine vacation!)

  5. Melissa

    Just literally stumbled across your Blog and HAD to respond! Love, Love, Love!!! A born and raised Maine girl here and I love it! Living in up in the big D.C. now leaves me hankering for some Maine goodness! Thanks for your post. You will be going on my FAVORITES list!


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